Friday, October 9, 2009

Sometimes there's a happy "middle"

A couple of red doxies ended up on death row in Altus - spared the needle by a mere 24 hours, a rescuer from down there contacts me about them. Everything's always last minute.

Luckily we have a Dachshund meetup group set up by one of our wonderful donors, so I put the word out. One blind senior boy, one scared younger boy. No idea if they're neutered, vaccinated, or heartworm positive.

Thankfully I had a few people contact me, including one fabulous foster home who offered to be the "emergency backup." One said they would only be temporary (a week or two) and another was interested in adopting (let's hope they're willing to help out with medical expenses).

So Chuck the Beagle rescuer bring them to Norman, foster home meets me in Norman to pick them up, and Old Man saw the vet today. Fortunately he's heartworm negative, unfortunately he's erlichia positive (30 day dose of antibiotics should take care if it though). For some reason neither a fecal nor his shots were done. Guess I'll figure that out later.